Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Inglorious Basterds

Inglorious Basterds. What an awesome movie. And what does any awesome movie need? An awesome movie poster. This poster is wonderful. Is says all you need to know about the film. It screams Nazis are going to get their sh*t rocked. Let’s start with the background. Stormy clouds. It is simple enough not to distract from the foreground image and ads just enough depth to make the image stand out. Notice the lighter parts of the clouds are right behind the image. This positioning is for emphasis. Your eye tends to go toward the lighter part of the image.

The words at the top written in white, “once upon a time in Nazi occupied France,” are perfect for the story as well as the poster.  The “once upon a time” implies maybe some dark humor and the second part of the line also give us the location and a bit about the story. Nazi Germany. We now know it will be a war related movie. And as we know, everyone likes seeing Nazis get their butts kicked so who’s not going to love it.

Now for the image. The image itself is awesome. First off the bat creates a nice diagonal and goes off the page. It really draws his eye into the photo. The helmet hanging from it is powerful. Because it is beaten, battered and dripping with blood while sporting a Nazi logo it implies and event that would involve it having been taken off a dead Nazi soldier. The diagonal helmet also matches the diagonal of the bat. The battered, name carved bat is also covered in blood. With the helmet swinging from it is applies some nasty violence. 

Just by seeing the poster I think it is also safe to assume the movie is rated R and not for the faint of heart.  
As you may have guessed, I have seen this movie and it is awesome! It has an interesting story, it is beautifully filmed, has some quality violence as well as characters you can really root for. Overall the poster and the movie are amazing. 

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